Water polo is a kind of handball in the water. Just like in handball and football, there are two teams. A team consists of six field players and a goalkeeper. Youth teams may consist of fewer players. The players wear a cap; white for the home team and blue for the away team. Both goalkeepers have a red cap.
A match is divided into four periods, which, depending on the age of the players, the level of competition and the country, last from 3 to 8 pure minutes. You must try to score as many goals as possible with your team. You do this by throwing the ball into the opponent's goal. The ball may only be touched with 1 hand. Whoever scores the most goals in a match wins.
Did you know that water polo was the first team sport to be played at the Olympic Games (1900 in Paris).
Before you can start playing water polo at our club, we have the following requirements:
Then you are more than welcome to a trial training on Saturday. Complete the form below and we will contact you as soon as possible to arrange a time.